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My first short film. More like an experiment to see if I can convey what I want to.


Shot in 1/2 n hour... Edited in 1/2 n hour....

Shot in 1/2 n hour... Edited in 1/2 n hour....

AGYAAT - SHORT FILM CONTEST - By Nayeem Mohammed!9F51F98FD77824C7!505.entry
"Here is my review on the film:

1. The choice of the building itself is impressive.
Actually we do see some dilapidated structures like that in Hyderabad.
Whenever I looked at those structures I felt a kind of fear.
Since the time I watched French Connection in my childhood, I fell in love with these dark interiors.
The occassional shafts and rays of light that that escape into the rooms seem like rays of hope.
I was referring to the abandoned-factory-interior-camera-walk-through in the climax of French Connection.
Just before Gene Hackman shoots one of his collegues by mistake.
2. Actually while we tour thru the building, we automatically get scared and just wish that
nobody/nothing suddenly pops-up into our sight.
That is exactly what he did. That figure that pops-up is well-chosen.
It looks like an assembly of random things into the shape of a person(?).
Even when this thing comes into our sight, the shreik does not immediately start.
we almost think it is a person.
He gives us a moment to realize that it is not a person or a meaningful thing.
The shreik and the subsequent demonic face were used to explode our fear.
3. The background sound was intelligently chosen.
He could have left it fully silent.
But then our tour thru the building would not be as disturbing.
In my view, the background sound reflects and amplifies the eerie feeling we experience during the tour.
We can even hear occassional traffic honks(?) which make it sound as if
it may be even in the middle of a busy town.
Maybe he wanted to prove that such structures can exist in the middle of busy cities.
We can occassionally hear the rustling of twigs/steps etc. just to tell us that
- the background noise was not a recording defect.
- it was intentional
4. It would not have been as scary as it is now, if it were made in color.
The maker would have had to put in some extra and maybe unnecessary
script changes to make it look this scary.
That shows the makers choice of the look of film.
The beauty of movie-making is that the maker can just make it without even doing as much analysis as I just did.
Welcome to the language of movies.
I think I got a little intense there with my analysis. But then its just my opinion.
Take it or leave it.
Just so you all know, I never knew Nayeem until I saw this short."


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